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How To Optimize Your Landing Pages For Conversions

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Digital marketing is changing. With consumer trends shifting towards health, wellness and community in 2020 our marketing efforts need to be doing the same.

How can you incorporate these consumer trends into your landing page efforts and ensure that you're continuing to improve your conversion rate throughout 2020?

In this article, we've put together five tips and tricks you'll need to implement to improve landing page conversion rates, considering the changes that 2020 will bring. Let's get to it.

There are a few SEO tactics you can use on your landing pages that will help your page to rank: Keywords – Identify what they are and thread them throughout. Title tags & meta descriptions – Optimize for click-throughs and manage expectations to avoid a bounce rate. Image optimization – Use keywords in image alt tags and titles. For more actionable tips to improve your landing page conversions, read the following blog post: 7 Ways to Optimize Your Lead Generation Landing Pages. Or, contact ZoomInfo today to learn why we are the leading business information company. Don't wait, our tools can improve your landing page conversion rates today. How to Optimize Your Landing Pages to Convert More. What makes an effective landing page that successfully generates lead and converts visitors into paying customers? Here are a few tips to make your landing pages convert more: 1. Match your offer to the needs of your audience.

Woorise is the easiest way to create viral contests, giveaways & competitions, landing pages and engaging forms such us surveys and quizzes. Generate more sales, increase traffic, social engagement and followers. See examples

1. User-Generated Content

Social Proof is still one of the most convincing forms of advertising. 70% of people will trust a review from someone they've never met. On landing pages, you'll often find social proof via testimonials or customer logos near the lead collection form.

Social proof is usually the final push that a customer needs to invest, in fact, product reviews are 12-times more trusted than product descriptions and sales copy.

This is what we've been used to seeing so far:

Screenshot from Personio Landing Page

Up until now, most companies have been using very stagnant testimonials. These testimonials have clearly been curated and always seem a little too good to be true. As we move into 2020 we'll see consumers looking for more transparent forms of social proof. This is a perfect opportunity for your brand to introduce user-generated content.

What is user-generated content?

User-generated content is simply any form of content that has been created by people, not brands. This content can be anything from text, images, video, reviews and more often than not sits on social platforms.


If you're in a position in which your business model encourages UGC this is the time to use it. If not, then consider if it's something you can ask your community for. Try launching a campaign or social contest to build your own content library of UGC as a place to start.

Why should I use UGC on my landing page?

By incorporating user-generated content into your landing pages you're building a layer of transparency with your visitors. You're not only getting the social proof that you had before but you're getting it at a much more raw and personal level; it's clearly coming directly from the customer rather than the customer to brand to customer.

How can I incorporate UGC on a Landing Page

You can do this in two ways, depending on your own resources. There are widgets and plugins available that are able to pull brand hashtags or brand mentions directly onto a web page. This is great for platforms like Twitter. However, it can always be a little risky if you end up having a disgruntled customer.

There are other tools than can pull reviews from review platforms like Google My Business or Tripadvisor, these plugins have the ability to select only 4 or 5-star reviews, to ensure your page visitors see the reviews you want them to see.
Korg pa1x pro download.

You can also take a much simpler route of saving the UGC and resharing it, which is often best for platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram or Facebook. How is this different from testimonials? You'll be able to link directly back to that social post, adding another level of trust to the review. Fashion brand, Cluse, do this fantastically with their watches:

How To Optimize Your Landing Pages For Conversions Using

Screenshots from

Transparency is key in 2020, identify moments you can be transparent with your reviews on your landing page and you'll see higher conversions because of it.

2. Conversational Marketing Tactics

Deloitte recently explored the notion of brand purpose in their trend report for 2020. They went on to say businesses are using purpose to create deeper connections with consumers, and this is exactly what people are looking for: connection. 2020 will be the year brands are stripping things back to basics by looking to build genuine and authentic communities.

A longing for genuine connections from consumers yet instant-gratification levels of patience have brands playing a tricky game between meeting customer expectations alongside their needs. Almost ⅔ of buyers expect a response within 10 minutes to any marketing, sales, or customer service inquiry. How can industries respond to these consumer demands and needs without employing a huge team of sales staff? Through conversational marketing techniques.

What is conversational marketing?


Conversational marketing, in a nutshell, is a sales process that is conducted in a conversational way. It's breaking away from more traditional lead forms but still doing all the work that a lead form does. Conversational marketing can be used either directly for a sale or a lead conversion.

How can I incorporate conversational marketing on a landing page?

In this section, we'll look at two conversational marketing examples that you can use on landing pages to help conversion rates:

Live chat

Screenshots from Holded

Holded uses this technique very well on their invoicing software product page. The page visitor has the option to talk live with a rep. They've heightened the experience by involving headshots of the potential reps you can speak to, giving the visit that personal touch that so many are looking for in 2020. Holded has also covered out of office hours by giving a softer lead collection form within the chat window:

Trillion for mac. Trillian is available on Windows, Mac, Linux, iPhone, iPad, Android, and directly in your web browser.


Chatbots have all of the potential to replace a lead form. In fact, chatbots can do an even better job. By using conversational marketing techniques the user feels like they've had an experience and an exchange on your landing page, rather than just handing over their email. By talking like a human you'll begin converting at a higher rate and with much more of an insight into your lead than a lead form.

Screenshots from are the perfect example of conversational marketing in a chatbot. They've humanized their bot and leave landing page visitors feeling like they've had a genuine experience, much more than a traditional lead form would be able to do.

One thing to take note of is offer the visitors to talk to a human almost immediately. This way, they're catering for those that are happy to talk to a bot but also not frustrating people that just want to talk to a rep.

3. Answering Green Pressure

A huge consumer trend for 2020 is Green Pressure. As people are becoming aware of the effect they are having on the planet they're beginning to be more conscious of their lifestyle choices. People are trying to be less wasteful and to act with a positive purpose.

Brands will begin to feel the heat as consumers look at them to lead the way. Make sure you're involving your own green initiatives on your landing page, especially if it's the first touchpoint someone will have with you. When it comes down to a selection process, people are no longer looking for the cheapest solution but the solution that's best sustainably.

In 2020 your eco-factor may just be one of your top USPs. Take Tesla, for example, the brand had a huge challenge going up against some car brands that have been on the scene for years. However, they identified a need for a greener change within the automotive industry and are now valued at more than Ford and GM combined.

There has never been a better time to go green and there's never been a more relevant time to share that on your landing pages.

4. Incorporate SEO

This tip only applies if your landing page is going to be live for an extended period of time. For example, if you're constantly bidding against your competitors with a product-focused landing page, then you'll want to consider this tip.

However, if your landing page is only focused on a campaign that's live for a few weeks then this probably isn't something you'll need to worry about and you can skip directly to the next point.

What is SEO?

SEO stands for search engine optimization. It's essentially an effort to ensure your pages are easily read by search engines and they rank on the first page, for keywords you want to be recognized for.

Why should I incorporate SEO tactics on my landing page?

SEO focussed landing pages have the potential to rank outside of your paid efforts. If you've got an evergreen landing page then you'll want to focus on SEO to give it the best organic opportunity when there's no ad spend behind it.

How can I incorporate SEO into my landing page?

There are a few SEO tactics you can use on your landing pages that will help your page to rank:

  • Keywords – Identify what they are and thread them throughout.
  • Title tags & meta descriptions – Optimize for click-throughs and manage expectations to avoid a bounce rate.
  • Image optimization – Use keywords in image alt tags and titles.
  • Lists – Search engines tend to read lists easier than bodies of text.
  • Varied content types – Use images and videos where it brings value to the page.
  • Use H1s, H2s, H3s, etc – Use keywords in these sections.
  • Write enticing headlines – Encourage your reader to stay on the page.
  • Keep it quality – At the end of the day, quality content always wins.

Each of these efforts could be an entire blog. Choose tactics that are doable for your landing page and watch it rank organically, over time. In ranking higher, you'll see a higher organic clickthrough rate and conversions overall.

5. Give something back

Cialdini's principle: Reciprocity, has taken many shapes over the years when it comes to selling. With content marketing emerging heavily in recent years we saw it championing high-quality content in exchange for an eventual conversion.

Last year we saw a trend in gated content and an email exchange that was almost second nature if you wanted to read any long-form article online. Harvard Business Review has taken this to new levels with some of their gated content. How will we see this changing again for 2020? By giving something back via interactive and personalized marketing efforts.

What is Interactive Marketing?

Interactive marketing is also known as trigger-based marketing. It is marketing that reacts to customer's behavior online and adapts messaging accordingly.

What is Personalized Marketing?

Personalized marketing is messaging that is tailored to an individual going on data that's collected from them over time.

How are they combined?

They are combined in many ways. But, for the sake of landing page optimization, you can combine them by using tools to track a user's interaction with your page with tools that collect data and turn it into content. Feed all of this back to the landing page visitor for them to have a truly unique experience and be that much more likely to convert.

How can I use interactive and personalized marketing on my landing pages?

This is entirely up to you and your product. Some ideas for you to consider are:

  • Google Analytics to identify location, language and more
  • Hotjar to identify page engagements
  • Interactive Quizzes to collect data
  • Inquisitive chatbots to collect data

Lastly, and probably most importantly, is how you deliver all of this information. Let your leads know that you are listening to them, you're learning from them and that you'll reach out to them soon.

Give leads something to look forward to, whether that's an email with quiz results or a sales call to discuss problems they've identified with a chatbot. Let your leads know that you care and you're giving something back.

The Final Word

Hopefully, these tips and tricks have sparked ideas for ways you can improve your own landing page strategies in 2020. Upping conversion rates is going to be tough this year as consumers are demanding so much more from brands than they ever have in the past. However, by staying ahead of the trends and sticking to these tips, you should be maintaining landing pages that are converting.

Here's a quick recap of our top 5 landing page conversion tips and tricks:

  1. Integrate User-Generated Content
  2. Use Conversational Marketing Tactics and Tools
  3. Promote your Green Initiatives
  4. Optimize your Landing Page for Search Engines
  5. Use Personalized and Interactive Marketing Strategies

If you've got any of your own tips and tricks you'd like to share with the Woorise community, please leave them in the comments below!

    Create one ad set per landing page

    Know your USP and align that with your landing page

    Be consistent with keywords and message

    Know your target market

    Images help

    Headlines should have an impact

    • Express intentions clearly with the CTA

    • Landing

    • Show what others have to say

    • Keep design simple

      Make sure that the page isn't loading for too long

        Decide between short and long landing pages


        If you're in a position in which your business model encourages UGC this is the time to use it. If not, then consider if it's something you can ask your community for. Try launching a campaign or social contest to build your own content library of UGC as a place to start.

        Why should I use UGC on my landing page?

        By incorporating user-generated content into your landing pages you're building a layer of transparency with your visitors. You're not only getting the social proof that you had before but you're getting it at a much more raw and personal level; it's clearly coming directly from the customer rather than the customer to brand to customer.

        How can I incorporate UGC on a Landing Page

        You can do this in two ways, depending on your own resources. There are widgets and plugins available that are able to pull brand hashtags or brand mentions directly onto a web page. This is great for platforms like Twitter. However, it can always be a little risky if you end up having a disgruntled customer.

        There are other tools than can pull reviews from review platforms like Google My Business or Tripadvisor, these plugins have the ability to select only 4 or 5-star reviews, to ensure your page visitors see the reviews you want them to see.
        Korg pa1x pro download.

        You can also take a much simpler route of saving the UGC and resharing it, which is often best for platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram or Facebook. How is this different from testimonials? You'll be able to link directly back to that social post, adding another level of trust to the review. Fashion brand, Cluse, do this fantastically with their watches:

        How To Optimize Your Landing Pages For Conversions Using

        Screenshots from

        Transparency is key in 2020, identify moments you can be transparent with your reviews on your landing page and you'll see higher conversions because of it.

        2. Conversational Marketing Tactics

        Deloitte recently explored the notion of brand purpose in their trend report for 2020. They went on to say businesses are using purpose to create deeper connections with consumers, and this is exactly what people are looking for: connection. 2020 will be the year brands are stripping things back to basics by looking to build genuine and authentic communities.

        A longing for genuine connections from consumers yet instant-gratification levels of patience have brands playing a tricky game between meeting customer expectations alongside their needs. Almost ⅔ of buyers expect a response within 10 minutes to any marketing, sales, or customer service inquiry. How can industries respond to these consumer demands and needs without employing a huge team of sales staff? Through conversational marketing techniques.

        What is conversational marketing?

        Conversational marketing, in a nutshell, is a sales process that is conducted in a conversational way. It's breaking away from more traditional lead forms but still doing all the work that a lead form does. Conversational marketing can be used either directly for a sale or a lead conversion.

        How can I incorporate conversational marketing on a landing page?

        In this section, we'll look at two conversational marketing examples that you can use on landing pages to help conversion rates:

        Live chat

        Screenshots from Holded

        Holded uses this technique very well on their invoicing software product page. The page visitor has the option to talk live with a rep. They've heightened the experience by involving headshots of the potential reps you can speak to, giving the visit that personal touch that so many are looking for in 2020. Holded has also covered out of office hours by giving a softer lead collection form within the chat window:

        Trillion for mac. Trillian is available on Windows, Mac, Linux, iPhone, iPad, Android, and directly in your web browser.


        Chatbots have all of the potential to replace a lead form. In fact, chatbots can do an even better job. By using conversational marketing techniques the user feels like they've had an experience and an exchange on your landing page, rather than just handing over their email. By talking like a human you'll begin converting at a higher rate and with much more of an insight into your lead than a lead form.

        Screenshots from are the perfect example of conversational marketing in a chatbot. They've humanized their bot and leave landing page visitors feeling like they've had a genuine experience, much more than a traditional lead form would be able to do.

        One thing to take note of is offer the visitors to talk to a human almost immediately. This way, they're catering for those that are happy to talk to a bot but also not frustrating people that just want to talk to a rep.

        3. Answering Green Pressure

        A huge consumer trend for 2020 is Green Pressure. As people are becoming aware of the effect they are having on the planet they're beginning to be more conscious of their lifestyle choices. People are trying to be less wasteful and to act with a positive purpose.

        Brands will begin to feel the heat as consumers look at them to lead the way. Make sure you're involving your own green initiatives on your landing page, especially if it's the first touchpoint someone will have with you. When it comes down to a selection process, people are no longer looking for the cheapest solution but the solution that's best sustainably.

        In 2020 your eco-factor may just be one of your top USPs. Take Tesla, for example, the brand had a huge challenge going up against some car brands that have been on the scene for years. However, they identified a need for a greener change within the automotive industry and are now valued at more than Ford and GM combined.

        There has never been a better time to go green and there's never been a more relevant time to share that on your landing pages.

        4. Incorporate SEO

        This tip only applies if your landing page is going to be live for an extended period of time. For example, if you're constantly bidding against your competitors with a product-focused landing page, then you'll want to consider this tip.

        However, if your landing page is only focused on a campaign that's live for a few weeks then this probably isn't something you'll need to worry about and you can skip directly to the next point.

        What is SEO?

        SEO stands for search engine optimization. It's essentially an effort to ensure your pages are easily read by search engines and they rank on the first page, for keywords you want to be recognized for.

        Why should I incorporate SEO tactics on my landing page?

        SEO focussed landing pages have the potential to rank outside of your paid efforts. If you've got an evergreen landing page then you'll want to focus on SEO to give it the best organic opportunity when there's no ad spend behind it.

        How can I incorporate SEO into my landing page?

        There are a few SEO tactics you can use on your landing pages that will help your page to rank:

        • Keywords – Identify what they are and thread them throughout.
        • Title tags & meta descriptions – Optimize for click-throughs and manage expectations to avoid a bounce rate.
        • Image optimization – Use keywords in image alt tags and titles.
        • Lists – Search engines tend to read lists easier than bodies of text.
        • Varied content types – Use images and videos where it brings value to the page.
        • Use H1s, H2s, H3s, etc – Use keywords in these sections.
        • Write enticing headlines – Encourage your reader to stay on the page.
        • Keep it quality – At the end of the day, quality content always wins.

        Each of these efforts could be an entire blog. Choose tactics that are doable for your landing page and watch it rank organically, over time. In ranking higher, you'll see a higher organic clickthrough rate and conversions overall.

        5. Give something back

        Cialdini's principle: Reciprocity, has taken many shapes over the years when it comes to selling. With content marketing emerging heavily in recent years we saw it championing high-quality content in exchange for an eventual conversion.

        Last year we saw a trend in gated content and an email exchange that was almost second nature if you wanted to read any long-form article online. Harvard Business Review has taken this to new levels with some of their gated content. How will we see this changing again for 2020? By giving something back via interactive and personalized marketing efforts.

        What is Interactive Marketing?

        Interactive marketing is also known as trigger-based marketing. It is marketing that reacts to customer's behavior online and adapts messaging accordingly.

        What is Personalized Marketing?

        Personalized marketing is messaging that is tailored to an individual going on data that's collected from them over time.

        How are they combined?

        They are combined in many ways. But, for the sake of landing page optimization, you can combine them by using tools to track a user's interaction with your page with tools that collect data and turn it into content. Feed all of this back to the landing page visitor for them to have a truly unique experience and be that much more likely to convert.

        How can I use interactive and personalized marketing on my landing pages?

        This is entirely up to you and your product. Some ideas for you to consider are:

        • Google Analytics to identify location, language and more
        • Hotjar to identify page engagements
        • Interactive Quizzes to collect data
        • Inquisitive chatbots to collect data

        Lastly, and probably most importantly, is how you deliver all of this information. Let your leads know that you are listening to them, you're learning from them and that you'll reach out to them soon.

        Give leads something to look forward to, whether that's an email with quiz results or a sales call to discuss problems they've identified with a chatbot. Let your leads know that you care and you're giving something back.

        The Final Word

        Hopefully, these tips and tricks have sparked ideas for ways you can improve your own landing page strategies in 2020. Upping conversion rates is going to be tough this year as consumers are demanding so much more from brands than they ever have in the past. However, by staying ahead of the trends and sticking to these tips, you should be maintaining landing pages that are converting.

        Here's a quick recap of our top 5 landing page conversion tips and tricks:

        1. Integrate User-Generated Content
        2. Use Conversational Marketing Tactics and Tools
        3. Promote your Green Initiatives
        4. Optimize your Landing Page for Search Engines
        5. Use Personalized and Interactive Marketing Strategies

        If you've got any of your own tips and tricks you'd like to share with the Woorise community, please leave them in the comments below!

          Create one ad set per landing page

          Know your USP and align that with your landing page

          Be consistent with keywords and message

          Know your target market

          Images help

          Headlines should have an impact

          • Express intentions clearly with the CTA

          • Show what others have to say

          • Keep design simple

            Make sure that the page isn't loading for too long

              Decide between short and long landing pages

                How To Optimize Your Landing Pages For Conversions 5th

                • SEO Keyword Optimization

                • Test landing pages

                • Optimize the page for mobile

                  How To Optimize Your Landing Pages For Conversions Step By Step

                  Red carwatermelon gaming.

                  Use Analytics to make strategic decisions

                    Final Thoughts

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